Organising Committee
Marie-Hélène Rio | ESA |
Olivier Arino | ESA |
Yves-Louis Desnos | ESA |
Craig Donlon | ESA |
Ulla Väyrynen | Serco Group, c/o ESA |
Steering Committee
Alexander Barth | Liege University | Belgium |
Peter Brandt | GEOMAR | Germany |
Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli | CNR | Italy |
Bertrand Chapron | IFREMER | France |
Francesco D’Ovidio | LOCEAN-IPSL CNRS | France |
Samuel Djavidnia | EMSA | Portugal |
Christine Gommenginger | NOC | UK |
Jordi Isern Fontanet | CSIC | Spain |
Johnny A. Johannessen | NERSC | Norway |
Bror Jönsson | PML | UK |
Vladimir Kudryavtsev | RSHU | Russia |
Rick Lumpkin | NOAA | USA |
Nikolai Maximenko | IPRC | USA |
Ananda Pascual | IMEDEA | Spain |
Elisabeth Remy | Mercator-Ocean | France |
Jamie Shutler | University of Exeter | UK |
Erik Van Sebille | Utrecht University | Netherlands |
Signature of Pacific Tropical Instability Waves in SMOS products
Reference: Yin, X., J. Boutin, G. Reverdin, T. Lee, S. Arnault, and N. Martin (2014), SMOS Sea Surface Salinity signals of tropical instability waves, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 119, 7811–7826, doi:10.1002/2014JC009960.